

Note about me: 
- Frequent mentions of gore/sensitive contents.
- A slow person, I don't frequently do trends.
- Not comfortable with SWEARING.


- Hobbies: writing poetry and stories, playing Roblox, chatting, drawing, investigating lores

- Aesthetics: old web, cassette futuristic, rococco, etc (futuristic and retro related)

- ROBLOX games: myths, Doors, Arsenal, TC2

- Music: General pop music, OSTs, random songs

Side note: I have decent knowledge on other communities, too. 

Please don't interact if you are applied to the basic DNI criteria.

I am in a few but not so active fandoms: Arsenal and Doors (Roblox). Hate to break it to ya but those are the only ones.

For other fandoms, I may or may not know about them.

Stuff I like:

Credit to @1Mindscapes on X


Scenery (photo by me)

Roblox (obviously)

BYI: I'm a neutral guy, and I have odd POVs on regular things, which won't fit in the majorities.

Pretty Cvnt

The Nuves, SWRSLT